Jan 092010
I went to Avatar at the Canby Cinema 8 today.  Saw the 3D version and it was awesome.  The technology on the 3D is very good.  The glasses didn’t bother me at all.  The movie is two hours and fourty minutes and I hardly noticed I was wearing them.  The animation is excellent and the story line is okay albeit basic.  I chose to ignore the socio political message of the movie. Lars Larson made a point of saying he disagreed with the message of the movie and he wasn’t going to go see it.  I may agree with him on a lot of subjects but I think this movie is well worth seeing.
I upgraded my cell phone again.  I am always doing that.  I am just amazed at how fast the technology is progressing.  I am a sucker for new gadgets.  I got a Droid Eris and I like it so far.  Sent way too much time trying to learn how to use it.  One nice thing is the store where I bought the phone will take it back within thirty days if I don’t like it. I could then just switch back to my Blackberry.

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